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MEGA SUPERLATIVE UPDATE 25 SEPTEMBER: Feeling much, much better now. After trying... desperately... to get a decent comic together over the past couple days and failing, I've decided to hold off on updating until Tuesday the 27th. Updates will go up as regularly scheduled the rest of the week until GUEST WEEK (Oct. 4-8) starts! BITCHIN'!
Update 23 September: Sorry I'm running late again, guys. Haven't been feeling too well the past couple days.
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A good one. I even laughed out loud this time. Yorick makes it. :D
ReplyDeleteI'm happy you liked it! Yorick was complaining to me that our conversations in the comic were too cheesy and didn't reflect the vile topics we discuss. If you thought this was funny, I guess he was right!
ReplyDeleteYour comics always make me laugh, keep up the great work!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, man, you're damn good at this whole "comic" thing.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the kind words, guys!
ReplyDeleteI wonder that about myself a great deal of the time...